Sunday, August 06, 2006

Prayers and Little Ones

I'm apprehensive about going to work tomorrow. I'm afraid of the news I may hear of my co-worker Carol's little grandson. Connor was born prematurely and with a congenital heart problem. He is now 2 and just had his third heart surgery at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta this past week. Things were going well initially, but he took a bad turn mid-week. His bowels shut down and began to necrose (die). The little guy lost two pounds in one day and is back in size 1 diapers. In case you're wondering, size 1's usually fit babies under 4 months old. Doctors say he is too weak to withstand another major surgery so soon after his heart surgery, and are not optimistic. I know prayer can work wonders, so I'm praying for a miracle for his little person.

I met another baby yesterday that has been on my heart. Austin is not quite 4 months old. I guess his mama meant well, but according to my cousin who babysits him, Austin gets left on his back all the time. Consequently his head is completely flat on the back, and very broad. Just playing with him for a short time, I'm afraid there is more to this little person's problem than a flat spot. Though able to grasp, he doesn't fully extend his fingers. He extends his legs, but doesn't kick like most babies. I also didn't see him turn his head much, and he appeared not to be able to raise his head when laying on his belly. I wish he could get to a specialist because I suspect hydrocephalus. I hope I'm wrong, but at any rate, this little baby needs prayers too.

Babies are the sweetest things on earth. When you think of other things sweet and angelic, doves also come to mind. Yesterday I lost one of my dearest little friends of over 23 years. Jiminy was a pink ringneck dove I got as a child. Mama was right when she said Jiminy never had a bad day. He was always bright-eyed, attentive, and soft as silk. He also knew each day of the 23 years he lived in Mama's house that he was loved. We sure are going to miss him. Maybe he is carrying my prayers for the two babies up to heaven.

Please after you read this, say a prayer for Connor and Austin. Think also of Connor's family who loves him dearly, and for my cousin, who gives Austin the love and care he desperately needs.


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