Monday, May 29, 2006

How I Spent Memorial Day

I just spent another great day in uniform. The Georgia State Defense Force provided first aid and basic medical services in support of the Memorial Day observance at the Marietta National Cemetery. It was a truly moving experience. All of the graves had small flags on them, and large ones lined the roads throughout the grounds under massive oak trees. All ages attended, including veterans ranging from early 20's to late 90's. The guest speaker was Medal of Honor recipient Michael Thornton, a former SEAL. It was quite humbling to have these WWII veterans thanking me for what I was doing, which paled in comparison to what they have given in their lifetimes. It was a hot and busy day - but I wouldn't have traded the experience for the world! I have always loved the feeling of seeing my husband standing at attention when the national anthem plays and the flag passes by, but it was thrilling to find myself doing the same thing and saluting our flag alongside men and women who's boots I could never fill in a million years, and among the graves of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country from the Civil War forward.

Things went much better than I had feared considering the 90+ degree heat and the fact that the ceremony took place at the top of a large hill. At one point in the ceremony we very nearly ran out of medics as people were "dropping like flies". A majority were young Navy JROTC cadets who were standing at attention in the sun waiting for their turn to participate in the wreath laying ceremony. It was good to have the ability to help even in a small way, and my fellow medics are a good bunch of people that I enjoyed being with today.

On another good note, President Bush signed legislation today making it illegal to protest at military funerals. Isn't it a shame when you have to be told that is wrong?


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