Friday, April 28, 2006

Oh, How Time Flies

Mama always said that time flies when you have children. Boy was she right! (You hear that Mama? I admitted you were right about something!!!) Aaron attended his first dance this evening. He went from a kid in jeans and a t-shirt to a young gentleman in a new black suit and tie in a matter of minutes!

The 5th graders were treated to a dance just for them in the school cafeteria, which was decorated with black and silver balloons. The DJ kept the music going, the mamas kept the food and punch coming out of the kitchen, and the kids danced for two hours straight. It was fun to see how the girls reacted when Aaron started dancing. He likes to do his version of the robot, but got some pointers from the other kids. At one point he was out there with three other boys, and they looked great!!! The ILT (assistant principal) said it was nice to see Aaron out of his shell, and grooving with the other kids! I must admit that some of the 5th grade girls surprised me. Some looked like ladies, and a few looked - well - maybe not like a lady, if you get my meaning. Don't their mothers look at them before they allow them to step out of the house??? Also, don't they tell them that you should be careful when wearing short skirts and bending over? Really, the kids were well-behaved and truly enjoyed themselves. Daniel even found a couple of little brothers and sisters in the back to dance with.

It's really funny, but in the photos I took tonight Aaron looked like an 11-year-old, but in person he seemed so much more mature. His smile was different, and he carried himself like he knew he was so cool! Barry arrived home just in time to see his young gentleman before he took his suit off and transformed back in to our little boy again. Now, everyone is in bed but me, and I'm headed that way. Us old folks need our rest!!!


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