Saturday, February 03, 2007

Talking A Good Game

Never let it be said that this family has a problem talking. Anyone who has ever met us can vouch for that! I joke at work that talking to my co-workers is the only chance I get to chat because when I get home I have to contend with three guys and three birds who never stop. It's just me and the fish.

Well, I had the pleasure on Thursday to hear Aaron competing in his first oratorical competition. He stood very tall and composed in his black suit and made me the proudest mom in the room! The speech was entitled "My Biggest Challenge" and his dealt with laying the groundwork for becoming a good man - and he laid it on them! Placing fourth in the school wasn't bad at all for his first time giving a speech in front of a crowd!

Fast forward to today... which was Scout Sunday, the culmination of a weekend of scout stuff! Aaron spent yesterday with his troop doing Pioneering Day. They built towers and monkey bridges and taught the Webelos about lashing and knots and stuff. Meanwhile, Daniel and I did some shopping and ended up at McDonalds, where he ran around in the indoor playground like a wildman! This morning we attended church services at the First United Methodist Church that sponsors the pack and troop. I was proud of the kids from the pack who were there, as well as our boys from the troop. I had to go in my ACUs since I had to leave right after communion for a meeting with my GSDF unit at the Confederate Avenue State Complex. At that meeting I was named squad leader for 2nd squad and told that I am up for promotion to corporal! I was pretty happy about that, being my second promotion in less than a year. If we were paid, that would be a raise. But, since we are volunteers, that just means I get to add a stripe to my uniform. Today a corporal, tomorrow I'm aiming for admiral!


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