Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Happier Campers

Well, Barry and I talked about the scout trip. I didn't feel I could trust them with Aaron without Barry along as well, and he had a funeral to attend on Saturday. The troop tends to focus on the older boys and leave the younger ones to their own devices. It really breaks my heart that all 7 of Barry's scouts earned their Arrow of Light and crossed over together, and now only 5 attend any meetings. (I worry about the ones moving up this year, as one is a precious special-needs child.) Of the younger scouts, only one besides Aaron was going on this trip. He has known the older boys for years, so he is kind of "one of the gang." Though it would have been a neat trip hiking and camping on the Appalachian Trail, we decided to go our own way for the weekend.

What a beautiful weekend it was too! We went to the camper in Helen with Mama on Saturday evening. We played around Dahlonega on Sunday, and ended the day with a campfire and supper outside. The campground was pretty much empty, so it was nice and dark and quiet. A possum in the bushes scared us, so we scared him back with our flashlights. We didn't mean to! We were just making sure he wasn't a bigger, fuzzier critter out to eat us because our bratwurst and chicken smelled so good! We took our time heading home yesterday, enjoying our little family.

Tonight is, once again, Aaron's scout meeting. We'll see if anyone has remarks they'd like to make to him this week! I have no problem stepping outside with any one of them if they want to push it that far. Barry was small-built when he was a child, and his parents didn't involve themselves when he was bullied. As a result, he was beaten up frequently. Well, I am not that kind of parent. Nobody is going to harm my sons if I can do anything about it, and they sure don't want to tangle with Barry. I can't protect them forever, but I can do my darndest while they are young. They are gifts from God, and it is my job to take care of them until they are old enough to care for themselves.

We were happier campers being all together anyway!


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