Thursday, December 21, 2006

Why We Live Where We Do

We are in our 12th year on Bear Mountain. We've seen the area change and develop, and seen the county grow. We still live here, however, because of the people who are our neighbors.

Just about 45 minutes ago we were startled by our doorbell ringing and someone banging on our door. Barry and Daniel were already asleep, Aaron was already in his PJ's, and I was just about to change into mine as well. I ran to the door to peer out the peephole, and heard the young lady who lives across the street yelling that our yard was on fire! I woke Barry and ran outside. She said she and her friends heard a car zip up the street and the sound of possibly fireworks. When they looked out they saw our yard blazing. I opened the garage and grabbed the water hose. One guy was stomping on the fire, which had begun to die down, while the other grabbed the hose cart from me and hooked it up. Barry called 911, but by the time the fire truck arrived, my Good Samaritans had put the fire out. The firemen made sure it was completely out and looked around for any evidence of fireworks, etc. They found nothing, but said if I did in the morning to call them back. To make myself feel better, I hosed the charred ground and the rest of the front yard on over into my neighbors' yard to the right.

We have a most unusual decoration this Christmas - a 12 foot wide black swath of ground from the driveway all the way across and into the corner of our neighbors' yard. This, however, has just served to give me something else to be thankful for: good neighbors. You see, my babies sleep in the front bedrooms which face the yard. Daniel was sleeping soundly while that fire crept across the dry grass. I can't even think of what could have happened if we'd all been asleep and our neighbors had not looked out and discovered the fire! In July of 1997 I stood in the street and watched my home going up in flames when lightning had blasted a chunk out of the roof. I saw the firemen shoveling smoking debris out of our bonus room window onto the driveway - debris that had once been our Christmas ornaments among other things. One ornament survived. It is a little snowy window scene with our engagement photo inside commemorating our first Christmas in 1992. The snow is brownish, and the back of the ornament is warped by the heat, but we give it a special place near the top of our tree every year to remind us of how much we've grown.

I think the adrenaline has dropped to a more normal level that will allow my eyes to close now, so I'm off to bed. My prayers tonight will include neighbors who cared enough to help on a chilly December night.


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