Thursday, January 04, 2007

I Always Knew It

Well, the Army finally said what I knew all along . . . Barry is the top warrant officer in the state! He was nominated by his colonel for the William Few Leadership Award, which is presented to one junior officer and one WO1 or CW2 annually. Today the decision was made, and the two selected were Barry and 1LT Colin Thompson, who is a very deserving man as well. Their packets have now been sent to Washington to await the decision of the winners of the General Douglas MacArthur Leadership Award. Keep praying for Barry, folks. If he is selected at that level, we'll be off to Washington DC to see the ceremony at the Pentagon!

I know I've gone on about Barry before, but I don't think in a million years I'd ever find another man that I love and admire like I do him. If you don't know him, you're missing out! I'm not saying he's a saint, or that he is perfect. As with anyone you're constantly with, we get on each other's last nerves occasionally. But I know in my heart every waking moment of my life that he loves me. In 14 years of marriage we have made a home and a life for ourselves, have two great sons, and generally have a blast! Our home is warm, there is food in the pantry, and clothes on our backs - and our children are happy. They, too, know in their hearts that they are gifts from God and that they are dearly loved.

Even if Barry doesn't win the MacArthur award (which oh please oh please oh please I pray he wins!!!!) he still is a winner to me.

And, yes, he does look good in that uniform!!!


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