Thursday, January 25, 2007

Don't Be A Goober

I spent over an hour last night on the phone with a family member. Throughout the whole conversation last night, I just wanted to say, "Don't be a goober!!!!"

The doctors tell you to take your medicine. A family member in the medical field tells you to take your medicine. Common sense tells you to take your medicine. So what do you do? Tell the doctor, "Forget you, buddy. I'm tired of pills. I realize you have years of medical school, but I'm just going to quit my meds cold turkey and try me some herbs instead. Yes I know I have heart disease, diabetes, neuropathy, and renal trouble, but herbs are going to cure all that. A friend of my neighbor's brother-in-law's mailman's church member's dog takes herbs and she looks great. She diagnosed my problem and sent me to the herb shop with my list. Does she have a medical degree? Well, no, but she looks great thanks to those herbs!"

This sort of thing must be going around. I heard something similar from someone on the other side of the family. Blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid removed due to cancer - hey, herbs can fix all my problems! I've decided I'm suddenly allergic to all kinds of things including every medicine known to mankind, but I can just go suck down some herbs with no adverse reaction. This one has moved out of apartments and houses and returned used cars because they just made her sick. If her allergies were so bad, you'd think she'd have to live in a bubble or wear a protective Hazmat suit to the grocery store, but them folks at the herb shop just have all the answers. Doctors are really out to kill you anyway.

Ok, I'll admit that herbs can do a lot. Many medicines are based on herbal remedies. I mean, the Native Americans knew to chew the inner bark of certain trees for headaches - which contain the same stuff as asprin. I use some vitamins and herbs for many minor conditions. Mama's drinking red tea for the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of it. But notice I said "minor conditions." To me, your heart is not something you can play with and self-diagnose. My dad dutifully took his medicines every day without complaint. He never said swallowing a handful of pills was just too much trouble. He tried to do everything right, and heart disease still took him from me. I'm not saying the medicines are an absolute answer, but why risk your life? It's kinda like skydiving without a parachute. "So-and-so at the herb shop said if I eat tofu and push this purple grass in my ears and think happy thoughts, I can fly and won't need a parachute."

For supper tonight we're all going out in the yard to chew on the shrubbery. The herb guy said it's good for us.


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