Sunday, September 17, 2006

Feeling Secure

My Uncle Baby Jim used to jokingly tell my husband that he knew he felt safe when he woke up to find that Barry had been at drill. Well, I know the free world was safe last night because I was on guard duty! Baby Jim would have REALLY felt secure with that one!

This weekend was the first of two full weekends of IET, or Initial Entry Training with the Georgia State Defense Force. We learned drill and ceremonies, first aid, and much more. Overnight we took shifts of guard duty, and lucky me got 3 AM! At least I was paired up with two big guys. If anything had tried to get us, all I had to do was out-run one of them! It was certainly interesting. I was very impressed with the instructors. They did an excellent job of teaching without making you feel stupid. I found out that my brain and my feet are not always connected. The brain says turn right on the right foot, and the feet do this funny shuffle and try to go the wrong way! My first platton sergeant was going to make me his guidon bearer, but I got swapped to the other platoon before he could implement it. That would have been quite an honor. Oh well. Everyone also kept asking me if I was prior service. I laughed and told them that I had just been around my husband long enough to soak up some of it. One of them said I was a soldier by osmosis! I do owe a bunch of thanks to Barry for helping me not be totally lost.

I really enjoyed the weekend. I am looking forward to next weekend's completion of IET and graduation. Lord, please don't let me look like an idiot!


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