Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

No one could stay in the room at night with Papa while he was in the pre-surgical unit, so I voluntered to take a shift of staying in the waiting room. I had already discovered that I used to work with one of his nurses, so she let me come and go and check on him at any hour. I decided to grab a little sleep, and was happy to find that the waiting room was empty except for one lady. I picked a surprisingly comfy sofa just down from her, and spread out my bedroll. I thought to myself, "Now if she'll just get off the cell phone and go to sleep, this will work out pretty well."

I don't know how Hazel and I started up our conversation, but it only took a moment for me to like her. Turns out, her lengthy phone calls were breaking the news to her children and in-laws that her husband was dying. They had just gotten the report from the doctors earlier in the afternoon that his liver and everything else was just not going to last. They gave Tony 3 months at most.

Hazel and I had a lot in common. We were both military wives, loved to travel, and liked a lot of the same things. She needed to talk, and I needed to listen. God puts you just where you're needed. We talked until nearly 3 AM, and I finally saw her smiling. She said she felt like she could finally sleep a little. When we rolled out a little before 6 AM, I went to clean up and check on Papa. Hazel returned as I was getting my things together, and as I stood up we both started laughing. You can't tell how tall someone is when you are both camped out on sofas ten feet apart, and I absolutely towered over her! I talked her into getting some breakfast before we settled in for a long day. We gave each other a big hug, and exchanged phone numbers.

I don't know if our paths will ever cross again, but I know Hazel will be in my heart and prayers.


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