Saturday, June 16, 2007

On Safari With 200 Little Wild Men

We survived!!!! We guided two-hundred little wild men on a safari down a croc-infested river, across a long rope bridge, under the vines laced with bells that summoned headhunters, up and over the Cliffs of Insanity, and back safely to base camp. Yep, it was time again for Cub Scout Day Camp! This year, Barry and I designed and built an obstacle course - and it was a favorite event for the Cubs. The theme of the week was "Scouting on Safari." The boys got to shoot BB guns and archery, do metal craft, go swimming, canoeing (Webelos only), fishing, crafts, nature study in the creek, the obstacle course, and survival skills. We drafted one of Barry's buddies to teach the survival skills, and it was right up his alley! Colin is a paratrooper, Ranger, Pathfinder, etc, and just lives and breathes the stuff. The boys learned a ton of valuable information from him that could one day save their lives. Barry's old battalion loaned us two big tents, cammo nets, and a Hummer for the week as well.

On Wednesday we loaded 300 people onto 4 school buses (were supposed to have 5!) and set off for the zoo. I sure was glad to get all of them safely back home. Thursday the Georgia Army National Guard sent a color guard out to open the camp that morning, and they were great. It was a perfect way to celebrate Flag Day, the Army's Birthday, and Barry's promotion date to CW2! The camp director announced Barry promotion and all the kids yelled, "HOOAH!!!!!" He was speechless for a minute - which doesn't happen very often! Friday was our biggest day. Mid-morning the "Orange Crush", which is a recruiting Hummer, rolled in to camp driven by a SGT who just returned from Iraq and was in full combat gear. Oh, the kids loved that! We headed up to the ball field about 11 AM for the awards ceremony and a cookout in the rain! Granny and Papa joined up and I stashed them in the dugout so they'd be dry and out of the weather. The boys started lining up asking Barry, Colin, me, and the SGT to sign their shirts, which was so cool!!! Thankfully the rain let up in time for our biggest guest - a US Army Blackhawk helicopter, which landed right on second base! The kids all got to get in the Blackhawk, and all the crew had to sign their shirts. Even the men from Barry 's old battalion who came to take down the tents were mobbed by little people and asked to sign shirts. There was a police officer who dropped by. I went up to his car and invited him to come out on the field to see the Blackhawk. As soon as he did, the boys wanted his signature on their shirts too! Granny and Papa were so cute. I took them onto the field right after the chopper landed so they could see it. I introduced them to the pilots and crew chief, and told them that Papa was a combat medic who was on Omaha Beach on D-Day. The crew chief grabbed Papa by the hand and thanked him for his service. He told Papa, "You guys saved the world!"

All this time, Barry was zipping around like a mother hen, making sure everything was as perfect as it could be. He really did a great job in arranging things, and making chaos run smoothly! After all the scouts went home, we staggered back into the woods, and took down the obstacle course. Colin joined us for supper at Moe's, and we had a great end to a great week!

Now I get to do laundry, and pack my two big ones off to Boy Scout Camp for a week!


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