Sunday, April 22, 2007

We Might Stay Home One Weekend!

Well, we might stay home one weekend, but this one wasn't it! Not only did we not stay at home, we all went in separate directions! Barry and Aaron headed to Oconee for the Yellow River District Spring Camporee. They had a wonderful time, even though it got off to a rough start. It seems everyone assumed the younger scouts knew what all they needed to bring. What was said at the meeting was, "Well, I guess we'll use the same menus as last time." Last time, one boy and his dad fed the whole bunch. This time the boys showed up at the scout hut with no food for the camping trip! One mom had a fit when blame started being pointed at our guys, so she went home and emptied her cabinets for things the boys could survive on. Seems like we always learn a valuable lesson on trips like these. This one was...homemade beanie weenies are really great, but Aaron and Christopher should never be allowed to eat them and then zip themselves in a tent! I'm surprised the woods around that tent didn't look line Hiroshima! On Saturday Aaron had to come back to Conyers to sing in the Solo Festival. I hated to miss it, especially since MY baby scored all "superior" ratings for his performance of a piece by Bach that he sang in German! He wore his crisp white dress shirt and black bow tie, and knocked their socks off!!! Afterward he and Barry went back to the camporee.

What about the rest of us? Well, Friday evening Daniel and I drove up to the camper where Mama was already waiting for us. Bright and early Saturday morning I left them and headed for my first day of Wilderness Search and Rescue School. While Mama and Daniel enjoyed the Bear on the Square Festival and Chestatee Wildlife Preserve, I was hanging out with one other woman and about 30 guys. We had a lot of classroom work. Later I assisted with mini-physicals prior to our work capacity testing. This involved carrying a 45 pound pack for three miles in 45 minutes for the "arduous" category or a 25 pound pack for two miles in 30 minutes for the "moderate" category. I probably should have tried for the moderate since I was just getting over bronchitis, but I gave the big one a try. I made it for two miles before I started coughing and my left boot began to eat my heel up. I figured I had to work the next week, so I decided to stop and retest later in the course. When the test was over, I and the other two medics began to patch up blisters. I saw the worst blisters I have seen in my life from a pair of boots on the soles of one soldier's feet. I really don't know how the guy walked the rest of the day! It was a good day of training, and I'm looking forward to the next one.

It was good to get back to the camper and rest while hearing about Daniel's adventures with Mawmaw in Dahlonega. It was even better to get back home on Sunday and have our little bunch all back together again. Monday morning it was back to work again. Sandra, our office manager, asked if my little boy had been in Dahlonega on Saturday. They were up there for the festival, and she was sure that was him. See? We have to be good wherever we go, because someone would see us!

Another busy but wonderful weekend!


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