Sunday, March 05, 2006

Spring Fever

The high temperatures in New York this week are around what our lows are here in Georgia. According to the weather folks, we'll be between 70-80 degrees (Fahrenheit) by this weekend! That should be a great "welcome to your new home" present for our new neighbors. I haven't met the Mrs. yet, but I already like the older gentleman who just moved in last weekend. Through a heavy African or Island accent he told me they were from New York, and how he was looking forward to never having to shovel snow again. I assured him that around here, 3 flakes can close the schools, and an inch on the ground paralyzes the city! They returned to New York for a few days and are expected back mid-week. What a treat it will be for them to see the Bradford pears covered in white blossoms, and all the daffodils peeking up in the yards! Spring, apparently, is in the process of springing! I caution to say it has sprung, because I have seen too many Easter snowstorms around here! Everything and everyone, however, is definitely showing signs of Spring Fever.

Last week was truly beautiful. I love having the pretty days at the schools so I can take the kids outside. What a joy it was to take one little girl with Rett's Syndrome outside and see her turn her smiling face toward the sun! Warm days mean I can take one of my favorite little guys, a four-year-old cotton-top with Downs Syndrome, out for a romp on the playground. The only trouble I have with him is when I tell him we have to go in! Thankfully he is small enough to scoop up when he decides to plop down in protest!

I enjoyed some time outside with my own little rascals as well. They played out at Granny & Papa's house, as well as Mama's. Yesterday we took a picnic to the armory for lunch with Barry. On the way through the post I saw an older soldier in ACU's go up to one of the beautiful Bradford pears and just look at the blossoms. I could only imagine that he had recently returned from "The Sandbox" and was taking in one little bit of what makes this country such a wonderful place to be! My boys have tried to smell every flower they have encountered. They informed me that although daffodils are very pretty, they stink. I informed them that after an afternoon of running around at Mama's and rolling in the grass and dirt, they stink too!!! I learned other stuff from the boys this weekend too. Did you know you can play basketball while wearing Moonshoes? Moonshoes don't help you when you're throwing boomerangs though. I also learned that little boys grow right before your eyes when placed out in fresh air and sunshine. Honestly, I think my older one grew 5 or 6 inches today alone!

Though you realize how big your kids are getting when you watch them play, you realize how small they are when you watch them sleep. I found my little one in bed smiling and running in his sleep early this morning! The big one was curled up with his arm around his teddy bear. I just kiss their fuzzy little heads, and thank the Good Lord for these precious little gifts!


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