Sunday, February 26, 2006

My Latest Venture

Well, this has been a busy week for our little bunch. We were out of school for Winter Break, so we began the week with a trip to Pensacola, Florida with our Cub Scout Pack. We had a very nice trip, and it really makes you appreciate just how good your own children are when you are stuck with a bunch of other ones! Happily, we returned on Tuesday with the same number we left with! The activities of the rest of the week varied from doctor's appointments to a trip to the Georgia Aquarium to helping draw a mural on my cousin's wall. Hey, we'll try just about anything once!

That brings me to the reason for the title of this entry. I'm off on one of my wild ventures again, and this one puts me in combat boots! No, I haven't completely lost my mind and joined the Army. I'm instead joining the Georgia State Defense Force's Medical Detachment! (Too bad Barry and I don't wear the same size uniform!) So March 19th will find me at the Kennesaw Armory for orientation, paperwork, and most probably swearing in to the GSDF. I spoke at length today with the First Sergeant, who seemed to think it would not take a great deal for me to eventually become a medic. I'm excited, but a little nervous about all this. Though I will only drill one day a month, I have to make sure the kids are taken care of. Barry and I may not drill on the same weekends, so trips and extra activities will take a bit more thought and planning. At the same time, this will give me opportunities to enhance my training and "give back" at the same time. I always have to have something cooking!

I was a bit surprised at the responses I have received regarding the GSDF. I figured Mama wouldn't be exactly thrilled and Granny would just plain have a fit! Instead, both were encouraging and supportive. Barry was too, though he has always encouraged me in whatever I chose to do. As an added bonus, he can help me to not look like a complete idiot when I first show up in uniform!

I feel very blessed to have Barry as my husband and all-around best friend. Over 13 years of marriage I feel we have both learned and grown in many ways. I have seen him set goals and work tirelessly to reach them, both in earning his college degree and becoming a warrant officer. Without him I don't think I would have grown in spirituality at the rate I have. He and I have faced many things, and banded together to rise above them. We have lost our home to fire, been through surgeries for a precious, tiny son, and dealt with bitterness and venom from family who once loved us. We faced deployments and separation, and felt the thrill and excitement of reunion. We stand with pride beside each other with each accomplishment, and shoulder to shoulder as a formidable force in adversity. Though we don't always see eye to eye, at the end of the day I feel his arm around me and know that I am loved and appreciated for just being me. Now he is dressing me like a little doll in BDUs and pushing me to reach a little higher. There doesn't seem to be a doubt in his mind that I can do anything I set my mind to. I sure hope he's right!!!


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