Monday, March 27, 2006

Cabin Fever

We've all heard the stories of people getting snowed in at some remote cabin in the wilderness, and becoming raving lunatics by the spring thaw. Well, our little bunch is fast approaching that point!

My husband had sinus surgery last week and has been a miserable soul! I really feel sorry for him as he tries to mend. For our family, being homebodies has been quite a switch! Unlike the cabin dwellers, we have had plenty to eat this week. You see, Monday night was very stormy. After returning home after the procedure the next morning, I was busy looking after Barry and didn't venture into the garage to open the freezer. The next morning, I opened it and discovered that the circuit breaker it was on had tripped during the storm and the items in the top had started their "spring thaw." I spent that day cooking all kinds of stuff!!! We had catfish, ground beef, salmon, and lots of chicken, so we discouraged family members from dropping by with food for a while!

I have discovered many things this week. When you make chocolate chip cookies, make sure to hide half of them from everybody until the next day. You don't have nearly as much laundry to do if you just stay in your pj's on the weekend. Our satelite receiver picks up hundreds of channels, but there is nothing worth watching most of the time. And the number one thing I have discovered is that nothing happens around here until I doze off. The phone doesn't ring, no one runs out of toilet paper, the boys are quiet, and the birds are content to sit with Barry. Let me close my eyes for more than a minute and chaos ensues! The only thing that comes close is when I go to the bathroom - at which point the world beats a path to the door!

Now, here it is...Sunday night. We have survived the week without a severe case of cabin fever. We have not frozen to death, chopped up the furniture, nor eaten the children. In the morning the kids will escape to school, Barry will emerge into daylight for his first post-op appointment, and I will go to work once we get back home. Spring thaw - here we come!


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