Friday, February 03, 2006

Notes From Angels

Everyone likes to know that they are loved and appreciated. Many folks, however, spend more time trying to be superior or digging up things to be offended over than they do appreciating others. I, however, am blessed to be in the company of angels almost every day.

Most of the children I work with in the school system are classified as severely and profoundly disabled. But these little ones have a happiness to them that only comes from innocence. When you can connect with them and get them to smile it is like the sun coming out on a cloudy day! One little group of kids has been working on a project for me. There are five of them in this class. They are 3rd through 5th graders, though they all function about a kindergarten level. They have been writing simple notes and coloring pictures for me to send to deployed soldiers.

It is a treat for me to see these notes and pictures before I mail them out. One child puts smiley faces on everything. Another girl's letters are backward and go downhill. One little boy draws very colorful things, but I haven't got a clue what they are. The one thing they have in common is the love an innocent little heart posseses. I separate these masterpieces out and send them to friends overseas that I know will respect the enormous effort these kids put into it. When a response comes back in, you would think these little guys had won the lottery! One soldier took the time to write an individual email to each of the five kids. Others have sent a group "thank you" back to them. Their teacher saves all these responses and is making a bulletin board to display them along with maps of the Middle East. I took a photo of the group. One little boy insisted that he should hold the flag, and he held it just as high as his little arms would go so he could "be like a flagpole."

It is a win-win situation as far as I am concerned. The soldiers know that someone put extrordinary effort into saying thanks to them, and these children know they did something that made someone happy. We could all learn from their example.


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