Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Some REALLY Good News

I didn't hear about this wonderful little tidbit from the major news outlets, and chances are that you didn't either. It seems that a victory for decency has been won in Washington DC last week. I'm not talking about some major polarizing political coup. It is instead a victory for our wounded servicemen and women at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

For quite some time a radical anti-war group has staged protests around Walter Reed. They have had the habit of lining up fake caskets on the sidewalk, hanging signs on the fences, and accosting soldiers and family members as they enter the hospital. How great it must have made them feel to tell some injured soldier's mom that her son/daughter was "Maimed for a Lie". What a morale boost it was to a soldier walking in on a new prosthetic leg to hear that his loss was for nothing and he could "Enlist here to die for Halliburton." They staged their biggest protests on Fridays because that is when the most visitors come. Well, NOT ANY MORE!!!

It seems this group, Code Pink, let their protest permit expire, and the permits for all four corners around Walter Reed's main entrance were purchased by groups that support the troops. Now folks can enter and leave the hospital peacefully past people thanking them for their service. Now if something could just be done about the nuts from a Kansas "church" who travel the country protesting the war at funerals for fallen soldiers. If there is anything more sickening than protesting outside a hospital, it is doing so at a memorial service. I just can't imagine the dignity of the funeral I recently attended being trashed by people like that - and it's supposed to be a church group!

Being a heartless fruitcake is something I simply cannot understand. Have you ever noticed that "peace protesters" frequently get arrested for stuff like accosting people, throwing rocks, or torching cars? Who pays their bills while they scream on the street corners? Many are really clueless about what they are protesting in the first place. I was raised to stand up for what I believe in, but I was also told to use common sense. I was also taught that there was a time and place for things. Want to protest? Fine. My husband and all those serving or who have served guarantee your right to do so. But take your signs and tasteless displays to the capital, and leave those who are healing or grieving alone.

Please continue to pray for our troops.


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