Monday, January 09, 2006

Very first blog

Well, I'm finally ahead of my technology-guru husband, and have my very own blog!!! I thought it would be nice to have a place to put in my "two cents worth" on whatever crosses my mind, so here it is! If you don't know me, I'll give you a little background. I'm a Christian, an Army wife, a working mom, a therapist, and a Cub Scout leader. I love my family and my country, and try hard to give back to both in whatever way I can. I have a wonderful husband serving his 18th year in the Army, two wild and wonderful little boys, 3 birds, and 6 fat goldfish. I am prone to half-baked plans and last-minute ideas, and can usually find willing accomplices in my husband and my mom. Usually, where you find one of us, you find all 4 of us (or 5, if we can get Mama)!

I am usually an easy-going person, but some things really get on my last nerve. The recent debate over "Merry Christmas" vs. "Happy Holidays" was ridiculous. I have friends of other faiths who had no problem wishing me a Merry Christmas, just as I had no problem wishing them a Happy Hannukah or what ever they chose to celebrate. I have friends who celebrate nothing at all, but didn't begrudge me the Christmas spirit. I also have a problem with those who put politics over people. I don't rightly care how you voted or what your political affiliation is. When the troops are on the ground, you're not Republican or Democrat, you're an American and you give them the support and respect they deserve!

OK, now we're on one of my favorite soapboxes - our soldiers! The media just does not give a good idea of what they are really doing in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are very obsessed with giving you a body count and showing the worst of what happens. In reality, our troops are doing an INCREDIBLE job!!! Case in point is the tiny Iraqi baby our Georgia soldiers helped get to Atlanta for life-saving surgery. Little Noor came through the procedure well today, and the doctors are optimistic for her recovery. What you don't hear about are the soldiers who pay out of their own pockets for wheelchairs and walkers to be sent over to an Iraqi they befriended. You don't hear of the soldier requesting little stuffed animals for a hospital in Afghanistan treating the children injured by old land mines. You don't see the photos of boxes of warm clothing being given out in Afghanistan by our troops, and the smiles and tears of the village elder who is overwhelmed by something so nice. You don't realize that the soldiers who got the power restored to Baghdad after Saddam's fall were Georgia National Guardsmen. Yes, Iraq and Afghanistan have a long way to go - but look how far they have come!!! Now we must "stay the course" and complete the mission, or our children will be going back and re-fighting the same battle. My husband was a Desert Storm soldier, and 12 years later found him once again donning desert tan and heading into harms way. Ten years from now, both of my sons will be of fighting age, but I pray if they choose to serve, they can serve in peace-time. God bless all our troops, and our veterans as well. We owe them more than you can imagine.

Mama and I spent last week fighting with 12 meters of silk that my husband brought back from Operation Iraqi Freedom. I had this great idea of making an oriental-style dress to wear to the Annual Paratroopers' Ball. The big catch was that I found out on Tuesday that the ball was Saturday night, and neither Mama nor I had ever sewn silk before. Though she may have thought I was a nut, Mama cut and pinned and pieced while I sewed. We came to the conclusion that the oriental-style pattern must have been cut to fit an oriental woman, and let's just say some alterations had to be made to fit a tall Georgia girl like me! The dress was finished just in time to put it on and head to the ball Saturday evening. (Thanks a heap, Mama!!!) Though we had a wonderful evening, the absence of many friends currently serving in harm's way was certainly felt by all.

The last vent of this post is regarding children. Mine aren't angels, and neither are yours, but they are gifts from God!!! I see special needs children in our public school system for physical therapy, and they are all precious in their own way. Several were "shaken babies" and that makes me furious! If the person who did this to them was caught, they got a little jail time. These little ones have this for life! Who knows what these little people could have become? Now they are forever trapped in a body that doesn't do what it is supposed to, they can't see, and they can't speak. It takes a low-life, scum of the earth to hurt an innocent baby. But I am loving this job, and getting to work with these kids. When they smile, it makes the whole day brighter!

Well that's it for now. Life, and dinner, are calling! We live in the best country on earth. Don't take it for granted.

Pray for our troops!


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