Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Send Me To Wal-Mart

Yesterday was one of "those" days. It was hot, I had a sick little boy, and all that I had planned had gone down the tubes. I stopped by Wal-mart, which usually results in my mood being even worse. I picked up the two items I came for, and started toward the registers. That's when I saw the elderly gentleman. In a soft voice he asked if I was familiar with the store. I said that I was, and he told me what he was looking for. I walked him directly to what he asked for, and he began to explain. His 83 year old wife was in the hospital and had suffered a stroke. She had asked for a couple of things and he just couldn't find them. The two of us walked aisle to aisle until we had everything he needed. You could tell that his wife was the one who did the shopping, and the poor man was simply lost without her. I asked for his wife's name so I could pray for her, and he brightened right up. He told me they were Christians and had been missionaries. I have had Mrs. Inez in my prayers since then.

A trip to Wal-Mart usually is one of those things I do not look forward to. Today's trip was totally different. Out of dozens of people who were walking around this gentleman, he stopped me to ask for help. God places people in your path who need you, and that you need - whether you know it or not.


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