Sunday, February 17, 2008

Camping With The Guys

This has been a full Scouting weekend at our house! Friday night was the Blue & Gold Banquet. Happy Chinese New Year!!! We found out on Tuesday that we had to supply food for 40 or more people that night! Needless to say, Julie and I were a little stressed! Deneen volunteered to help us out on Thursday night by running around Friday getting the last of the stuff together. Julie got the rice and veggies. Christie made tea. And Thursday night found me making a dragon! The boys thought it was pretty cool that I knew how to do that, but I have to admit my cluelessness! Who knew you could turn a styrofoam cooler, a Priority Mail box, a pack of cocktail napkins, and red tablecloths into a dragon??? The Webelos became legs and we brought the dragon to life for the banquet! A real Chinese gong borrowed from the middle school opened the festivities. The guests enjoyed a good feast whipped up in the kitchen by my volunteer crew (Thanks Mama!!!). Everyone talked about what a nice time they had.

You would have thought one night with all those boys was enough for us - NOPE! Saturday we packed up and headed over to Tom's house for a Webelos Family Campout. We ended up with 4 adults, 2 Boy Scouts, 5 Webelo 2's, 1 Webelo 1, and 1 Wolf. They learned a ton from Barry. We even retired a flag at our campfire. There was axe safety, Whittlin' Chip class, fire building and safety, camp cooking, nature walks, fishing, knot-tying, setting up a dining fly, and lots more. We really had a good time. Do I want to do all this again soon? NOPE!!!! My own two knuckleheads are plenty for a while!


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