Monday, January 14, 2008

Failed Attempt At Invisibility

Well, I have the first weekend of OCS behind me, and it was what I expected and then some. It was quite a lesson in adaptability! I had planned to try and fly under the radar, at least for this first weekend. That is easier said than done!

The sergeant was built like brick wall and had a voice that probably made people in the next county jump. He yelled at us to get in line, then tapped four squad leaders. Lucky me! I was given 2nd squad to lead, which included my two friends from Wilderness Search & Rescue school. I managed not to mess up the first night. When we returned to our room, my roommate and I discovered why they got them so cheap. She went to turn down the bed and found hair in it. She and I decided to get our Army blankets and sleep on top of the beds. I am so glad I brought my own pillow. She wrapped towels around hers before she would lay on it.

0430 sure seemed awful early. We had slept in our sweat suits, so we just jumped up and headed over for PT in the cold. The "walk/run at your own pace" turned into a run in formation, which I was sure was going to kill one of us. Several squad leaders got canned, including (thankfully) me! Back we went to our rooms to clean up, only to discover that the heat and the hot water were not working! I was definitely awake after the cold shower! We headed back to breakfast, a uniform inspection, and class. They asked for volunteers for KP and other duties. When they asked for someone to serve as class chaplain and no one volunteered, I put my hand up. I led the class in prayer, and then we said the Pledge of Allegiance. The day was a mix of class lectures, and work outside on drill and ceremonies. Some parts I was fairly comfortable with, and others threw me for a loop! The long day ended somewhere around 10 PM, when we returned to the rooms. Everyone broke into study groups for a little while, then headed off to bed. My roommate and I again slept in our sweatsuits and two pairs of socks.

The room was not much warmer when the alarm went off at 4:30 Sunday morning. Back to PT and then breakfast. Our squad ate quickly so we could get back and get cleaned up before the hot water ran out. It worked, and I had a good hot shower! We packed our things and headed back for another uniform inspection. Today's class work was actually enjoyable. The tone of the instructors was much more relaxed, and they treated us like we might have a brain cell! Finally the time came to name squad leaders. My friend Roberts got it for our squad, and I thought I was off the hook. WRONG!!!! And the class leader, chosen unanimously by the cadre....yep, me. I flinched when the announcement was made, and the Captain laughed as he fussed at me for it. He also said that I am the first female class leader they have ever had.

After we were dismissed, Smith, Roberts, and I decided to get some lunch before we headed home. I laughed so hard at that crazy pair that I almost couldn't eat! They definitely make things interesting! I told them they were going to make milkshake come out my nose, and one of them offered me a dollar if I could do it twice! Finally I headed home. Barry laughed when I told him about getting named class leader. The same thing happened to him when he went to WOCS at Ft. Rucker! I told him I sure needed a lot of work and much prayer before I'll feel ready to go back to OCS next month.


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