Saturday, November 29, 2008

Two Days, Two Dead Dudes

"What can we do with Uncle Frank this year that is different when he comes for Thanksgiving?"

Mom asked this question at just the right time a few weeks ago, as I had just learned of two exhibits that were coming to Atlanta. It is actually the only time both will be in the same city at the same time. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, I secured 6 combination tickets to see them both.

On Friday we navigated the maze of roads into Atlanta to the High Museum of Art to see "The First Emperor, China's Terra Cotta Army". In 1974 farmers digging a well uncovered the greatest archaeological find of the last 50 years. The tomb and surrounding complex of Qin Shihuangdi, who united what is now China in 221 BC, covered 23 square miles. The excavation, which is still going on, yielded 7,000 terra cotta soldiers, acrobats, servants, and horses. They are absolutely incredible to see. Each one is different. Emperor Qin had everything prepared for his use in the afterlife, as he had no intention of resting in peace. We really enjoyed the exhibit. We also decided to get all "artsy-fartsy" and view some of the other exhibits at the High. There were treasures from the Louvre, as well as Medieval art, marble sculptures, and Tiffany glass. The most hilarious was the modern art section. I was quite sure Aaron and I were going to get kicked out. Some of that stuff was just weird!!! We had a blast. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch at the Table 1280, which is the very "artsy-fartsy" restaurant at the High. I quickly came to realize the we must be less "artsy" and more "fartsy" than their usual clientele. The food was very good though, and Uncle Frank treated the whole family.

Today we once again packed like sardines into Mama's truck and headed to the Atlanta Civic Center to see "Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs." WOW!!! If anything could top the exhibit at the High, this would come mighty close! The whole thing was simply impressive. So many things that I had only seen in books were right in front of us, many not even encased in glass. The giant statues were upstaged only by the fabulous golden treasures the tombs had yielded. Barry was like a little kid in there, and we were all thoroughly fascinated by what we saw.

Both evenings we came back to Granny and Papa's house to take care of their nightly meds and such. We had purchased DVD's about the exhibits, and Papa loved watching them. Granny enjoyed looking at the Egyptian treasures in the beautiful book we brought. Hopefully we can manage to take them to see at least the King Tut exhibit before it leaves Atlanta. What a great way to have spent our Thanksgiving break.


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