Monday, May 05, 2008

Is That You, Lord?

Late last night I encountered a very thin and frail older black lady in the store. I had passed her on several aisles as she appeared to be looking for something. Always she had a very bright smile as we passed. Finally as we met for the third time she spoke to me. She asked if she could talk to me for a second and ask me something.

"Please don't be afraid of me, but I have been sick. I have HIV and I don't have enough cab fare to get home. Is there any way you can spare me just a little? Please don't be scared of me. I don't mean no harm"

Perhaps she was serious and truly needed the money, or perhaps she was just a con artist. Something told me to give it to her. When I looked in my wallet for a small bill, all I had was a $20. I went ahead and handed it to her. As she reached to take it and shake my hand, we decided to give each other a hug instead. She thanked me profusely, more for not being afraid of hugging her than for the money itself.

I'll never know what the money actually was used for, but I left there feeling really blessed. I have a job, a home, transportation, and food for my family. I have a husband who loves me, 2 wonderful sons, and a family that I love dearly. When someone told me of a need, I was able to do something about it. No one knows in what form we may encounter God or an angel. I doubt they will stand in front of us in fire and glittery wings with a sign that says, "Hi, I'm an angel." I can think back to a man who stepped out in front of my car in Riverdale one day. He wore shredded gauzy rags and had matted hair and no shoes. Yet he walked on the blistering asphalt as if it were nothing to his bare feet. He stepped off the curb in front of me to cross the street, and turned to smile at me. He had the most peaceful smile and astonishingly blue eyes. You just never know, but if you treat everyone like you would want to be treated, you have nothing to worry about.