Saturday, February 14, 2009

Do you know you are my Sunshine?

About a month ago, my mom lost a dear little companion. Happy was a parakeet that Mama adopted on Christmas Eve about 7 years ago. Her first adventure was getting loose in Mama's car in the pet store parking lot! After chasing the tiny little bird all over the car, they were pals. At home, Mama's cockatiel Junior quickly fell head over little birdie feet for this tiny little lady. She was a smart and sassy little somebody who would tip her little head to one side and flirt with Junior. She could do all the songs and whistles he could do, and kept up a constant chatter with him. He'd slide over to her and in a tiny people voice say, "Hiya Happy!" Then he'd whisper sweet nothings to her. We gave Mama a baby white dove about a year ago. When he got older, Snowflake fell for her too. He'd coo and bow at her, and she'd turn that little head and listen attentively - which ultimately made Junior mad. He'd fuss and bang on stuff. One day Mama came in and found that Happy had one of Junior's beautiful long tail feathers in her cage, so we figured they were engaged!

Junior was devastated when Happy passed away. He was mean to Mama and just not himself at all. Snowflake no longer bowed.

Yesterday I saw some Valentines with Snoopy and Woodstock on them, and an idea hit me. I called Mama and asked her to meet me at a pet store in Conyers with Happy's old cage to pick out her Valentines present. She picked up Granny & Papa on the way, and Granny accompanied us in to the shop. Mama spotted a little bright yellow troublemaker getting into everything in the parakeet cage, and Granny rode home with Little Miss Sunshine (Sunny for short) in her lap. The tiny bird didn't appear frightened, and sat looking intently at Granny while she talked to her. Sunny has beautiful red eyes.

I wondered how Junior would accept a new member of the family since he had been so attached to Happy. Well, Mama called me late last night and held the phone out toward the bird room. It sounded like a symphony! I heard cooing and "Dixie" and the rest of their repertoire. Mama said that Junior ran excitedly over when he saw Happy's old cage come in the door, but stopped and looked hard at the new little yellow friend inside. Suddenly he looked at Mama and said, "Pretty bird!" He repeated this over and over, and began to talk with Sunny. Snowflake came over and began to coo and bow at her. She looked a little overwhelmed at first, but took the shower of attention in stride. Mama finally had to separate their cages a few inches, or the boys would have sung to her all night. Junior told Mama again this morning that Sunny was a "pretty bird."

Junior, Snowflake and Mama had a very Happy Valentines Day, and I hope Sunny did too!


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