Monday, December 03, 2007

All God's Children

Yesterday was the Christmas Party at the armory. They boys were very excited about the day. It is one way they have celebrated every Christmas of their lives. We gather with our Army family, whichever unit it may be, and enjoy a good meal, good times, and a visit from Santa. I had an added treat, and a blessing I was not expecting.

The chapel service was going to be at 0815. I had just returned from a breakfast run to McDonald's, and set the boys down on the floor in Barry's office to eat. Barry was not going to get to break away for chapel, and I told the boys to go ahead and eat while it was warm. I set my own breakfast aside, as I felt I needed to go to worship.

I like to worship with soldiers. When you're with soldiers, you're with family - no matter what your background is. On this Sunday morning I sat with soldiers of all ages, ranks, denominations, and skin colors, and it didn't matter a bit. The older black chaplain's assistant lead the first song. Then he yielded the floor to the young Asian chaplain. The older white Sergeant with the South Georgia drawl prayed beside a Hispanic Major, while two pretty black Specialists sat across the aisle.

Do you remember the children's hymn "Jesus Loves The Little Children"?

"Jesus loves the little children -
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
They are precious in his sight.
Jesus loves the little children of the world."

If only people could set aside their differences and see that we are all God's children, wonderful in our uniqueness, but all in His image.

I spoke with Chaplain Nick after the service to let him know how much I enjoyed the message. It was just what I needed to hear. I have been struggling with fear and doubt since the night of the orientation for OCS Candidates at annual training. I have been afraid of failure and afraid of the unknown. I'm afraid of my own shortcomings and that I'll let people down. Through the Chaplain's message about the story of Gideon, I felt reassured that if I can just let go and let God lead me, I will make it through OCS.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." - Proverbs 3:5,6